UNS S33400
UNS S33400Chemical composition:
C | Si | Mn | P | S | Ni | Cr | Al | Ti |
≤0.08 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.0 | ≤0.030 | ≤0.015 | 18.00~ 22.00 |
18.00~ 22.00 |
≤0.6 | ≤0.6 |
UNS S33400Physical properties:
Density g/cm3 |
Thermal conductivityw/(m.k)100~90℃ | Resistivity℃)/ (2.mm2/m)20~900℃ | Specific heat capacity℃)/kg/(kg.k)C100~900℃ | Linear expansion coefficient(10-6/k)20~900℃ |
7.93 | 14.20~276 | 0.914~1.225 | 15.37~20.45 | |
temperature0/℃ | 20 | |||
hardnessHB | 248~341 |
UNS S33400Mechanical properties:
0.2%Yield strength [N/mm²] |
Tensile strength [N/mm²] |
Elongation [%] |
hardness [HV] |
Standard value | ≥205 | ≥520 | ≥30 | ≤170 | |
Case | Cold-rolled steel plate 0.4mmt | 270 | 540 | 45 | 130 |
UNS S33400Alloy properties:
High Temperature Resistance: HuaNickel UNS S33400 is an austenitic stainless steel with enough chromium and titanium to make it perform well at high temperatures.
Corrosion resistance: UNS S33400 has excellent corrosion resistance, especially to sulfates, chlorides, nitrates and other media.
UNS S33400Uses of alloys:
Incoloy84 is mainly used in petrochemical, power industry, aerospace and chemical industries. UNS S33400 alloy can be used in the manufacture of electric heating pipes, heat exchangers, equipment heaters, industrial heating furnaces and other equipment, and is also commonly used in automobile exhaust systems.
UNS S33400Process performance:
Welding process: HuaNickel UNS S33400 can be joined by a variety of welding methods, including arc welding, argon arc welding, resistance welding, and brazing. These methods are suitable for different welding needs and environments.
Relevant standards:
ASTM A240、ASME SA-240、UNS S33400、NAS H840