UNS N10665
UNS N10665Chemical composition:
C | Si | Mn | S | P | Cr | Ni | Fe | Mo | other |
≤ | |||||||||
0.02 | 0.10 | 1.00 | 0.03 | 0.04 | ≤1.00 | Bal | ≤2.0 | 26~30 | Co≤1.00 |
UNS N10665Physical properties:
Density | Resistivity
/μΩ ·m |
Coefficient of expansion/10-6m·(m·K)-1 | Thermal conductivity/W·(m·K)-1 | Specific heat capacity/10-6m²/s | Elastic modulus/MPa | ||||||||||
20℃ | 0℃ | 100℃ | 300℃ | 20~ 93℃ | 20~ 204℃ | 20~ 316℃ | 0℃ | 100℃ | 300℃ | 0℃ | 100℃ | 300℃ | room temperature | 316℃ | 538℃ |
9.217 | 1.37 | 1.38 | 1.39 | 10.3 | 10.8 | 11.2 | 11.1 | 12.2 | 14.6 | 3.2 | 3.4 | 3.8 | 217000 | 202000 | 189000 |
UNS N10665Mechanical properties:
Variety | Check the status | Temperature/℃ | ob/MPa | σp0.2/MPa | δ/% | hardness |
Medium and heavy plates9.1~51mm |
1066℃Quench after heating |
room temperature204
316 427 |
871 840 823 |
361 336 319 |
60 60 61 |
— |
Medium plate6.4mm |
After manual TIG welding
Semi-automatic after TIG welding Manual TIG welding +1066°C solid solution Semi-automatic TIG welding +1066°C solid solution |
room temperature
room temperature room temperature room temperature |
821 817 796 |
一 一 一 | 一一一一 | 一一一一 |
Medium plate12.7mm | After manual TIG welding | room temperature | 897 |
UNS N10665Alloy properties:
The main differences between this alloy and HuaNickel UNS N10665 alloy are the low carbon and silicon content (C≤ 0.02%, Si ≤0.10%), and the reduced iron content from less than 6% to less than 2%. Although the matrix structure of UNS N10665 alloy is no different from that of HuaNickel UNS N10665 alloy due to changes in carbon, silicon, and iron content, the precipitate phases on the alloy matrix or along grain boundaries are very different. The most obvious feature is that the intermetallic phase and carbide precipitation phase of 00Mo28Ni68Fe2 alloy are significantly reduced. The corrosion resistance of 00Mo28Ni68Fe2 alloy (including comprehensive corrosion resistance and intergranular corrosion resistance) has been significantly improved.
UNS N10665Uses of alloys:
HuaNickel UNS N10665 alloy produces plates, tubes (welded pipes), bars, wires, strips and forgings. It is mainly used for pipelines, vessels and their linings, reaction towers and linings, pumps and valves that are resistant to hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and formic acid, etc.
UNS N10665Process performance:
Welding process: HuaNickel UNS N10665 alloy has good welding performance, and because the carbon, silicon and iron content in this alloy are low, the resistance to intergranular corrosion and knife edge corrosion after welding is better than that of 0UNS N10665. When the amount of iron and chromium in the alloy is appropriately controlled, the plasticity, toughness, corrosion resistance and weldability of UNS N10665 alloy will be further improved. Therefore, HuaNickel UNS N10665 alloy generally does not need to be heat treated after welding. This alloy is more suitable than HuaNickel UNS N10665 alloy for the manufacture of welding equipment and components.
Heat treatment: Except for special uses, this alloy needs to be used after solution treatment at 1066°C. Except for those whose Fe+ Cr content in the alloy is controlled, it is generally not allowed to stay and use it for a long time between 538~816 °C.
Relevant standards:
ASTMB333 /SB333、 ASTMB622/ SB622、 ASTMB616、 ASTMB626 、 ASTMSB619、 ASTMSB626
B335 /SB335、 B564/ SB564