NiCr22W14MoChemical composition:
Ni | Fe | Cr | Co | Mo | W | C | Si | Mn | P | S | AI | La | B | |
Min | Bal | 20 | 1 | 13 | 0.05 | 0.25 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.005 | |||||
Max | 3 | 24 | 5 | 3 | 15 | 0.15 | 0.75 | 1 | 0.03 | 0.015 | 0.5 | 0.05 | 0.015 |
NiCr22W14MoPhysical properties:
Density | 8.91g/cm3 |
Melting point | 1360-1410°C |
Young’s modulus | 211.5GPa |
Shear modulus | 78.8GPa |
Poisson’s ratio | 0.34 |
Permeability | 1.002 |
Resistivity | 126.3μΩ*cm |
Coefficient of thermal expansion | 12.42*10-6cm/cm °C |
NiCr22W14MoMechanical properties:
Tensile strength(ksi)min | Yield strength(ksi)min | Elongation%min |
117/ 122 | 55 /62 | 44 /48 |
NiCr22W14MoAlloy properties:
Corrosion Resistance: NiCr22W14Mo alloy has demonstrated excellent corrosion resistance in a variety of corrosive media, including resistance to harmful chemicals such as nitric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, etc.
High-Temperature Strength: HuaNickel NiCr22W14Mo alloy incorporates solution strengthening technology to provide superior high-temperature strength. This allows the alloy to maintain its structure and properties under extreme temperature conditions.
Thermal stability: Not only does HuaNickel NiCr22W14Mo alloy perform well in the short term, but its long-term thermal stability is also an important advantage, allowing it to maintain performance without degradation in continuous high-temperature service.
Oxidation resistance: NiCr22W14Mo alloy has excellent oxidation resistance.
NiCr22W14MoUses of alloys:
NiCr22W14Mo alloy is used in a wide range of applications including aerospace, energy, chemical processing, and industrial heating due to its excellent high-temperature performance and corrosion resistance. The use of this alloy is not limited to traditional high-temperature applications, but also includes many emerging areas of technology, such as advanced energy production and environmental protection technologies.
NiCr22W14MoProcess performance:
Welding process: Haynes alloys have excellent formability and weldability. The alloy can be welded by a variety of techniques, including gas tungsten arc (GTAW), gas metal arc (GMAW), and resistance welding.
Heat Treatment: NiCr22W14Mo alloy should be supplied under solution heat treatment conditions. The alloy is solution heat treated in the range of 2150 to 2275 °F (1177 to 1246 °C) and rapidly cooled or water-fired for optimal performance.
Relevant standards:
ASTM B572, SAE/AMS 5891、ASTM B435, SAE/AMS 5878、ASTM B622、ASTM B619、ASTM B626、ASTM B366、ASTM B564, SAE/AMS 5891、SAE/AMS 5839