H06059Chemical composition:
Ni | Cr | Mo | AI | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Fe | |
Min | Bal | 22 | 15 | 0.1 | ≤ | |||||
Max | 24 | 16.5 | 0.4 | 0.01 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.04 | 0.02 | 1.5 |
H06059Physical properties:
Temperature/℃ | Specific heat capacity/J·(kg·K)-I | Thermalconductivity/W·(m·K)-1 | Resistivity/μΩ ·m | Elastic modulus/GPa | Linear expansion coefficient/×10-6·K-1 |
93 100 200 204 300 316 400 427 500 538 600 |
425 434
451 459
464 |
—- 12.1 13.7
18.6 20.4 |
127 129 131
133 134
133 |
206 207 200 199 196 194 190 188 185 181 178 |
11.9 12.2
12.5 -— 12.7 — 12.9 13.1 |
H06059Mechanical properties:
Type of material | Size/mm | Strength/MPa | δ/% | akv/J ·cm | |||
Gb | 01.0 | 60.2 | room temperature | -196℃ | |||
Thin plate, cold-rolled medium plate, hot-rolledRods | 0.5~6.4 | ≥690 | ≥380 | ≥340 | ≥40 | — | 一 |
5.0~30 | ≥690 | ≥380 | ≥340 | ≥40 | ≥225 | ≥200 | |
≤100 | ≥690 | ≥380 | ≥340 | ≥40 | ≥225 | ≥200 |
H06059Uses of alloys:
HuaNickel H06059 alloy has a wider range of applications, especially in other media that Ni-Cr-Mo(W) alloys cannot be used, such as pressure vessels for fluorination and chlorination reactions, rotary kilns for HF production, FGD units for coal-fired power plants, acrylate/methacrylic acid reactors, snake heaters, etc. This alloy produces medium plates, sheets, seamless and welded pipes, rods, wires, strips, as well as forgings and castings.
H06059Process performance:
Welding process: This alloy can be welded by GTAW, GMAW plasma welding, MIG, TI and manual arc welding.
Relevant standards:
GB /T 15007-2017