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HuaNickel GH3625 is a Ni-Cr-based solution-strengthened deformed superalloy with chromium, molybdenum and niobium as the main solution-strengthened elements. The alloy has good tensile strength and fatigue resistance from low temperature to 980°C, and the processing and welding process performance is good. GH3625 alloy has excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance. It is widely used in the manufacture of aero engine parts, aerospace structural components and chemical equipment.

GH3625 Chemical composition:

  Ni Cr Mo Nb C Co AI Ti Fe Si Mn S P Cu
Min Bal 20 8 3.15                    
Max 23 10 4.15 0.1 1 0.4 0.4 5 0.5 0.5 0.015 0.015 0.07

GH3625 Physical properties:

Density 8.44g/cm3
Melting point 1290℃~1350℃
Magnetic properties not

GH3625 Mechanical properties:


Standard number




heat treatment

Room temperature performance 815℃Long-lasting performance
σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ₅/% ψ/% hardness σ/MPa τ/h δ₅/%
GJB 3165A 辽新7-0023 Hot rolled, forged rods (950~1030)℃/AC

/ W Q















GJB 3317A Hot rolled plate (950~1030)℃/AC 830 410 30 Measured HV305 114 23 15
辽新7-0038 Cold-rolled sheet (950~1030)℃/(1090~1200)℃/AC  
















Q/3B 4080 Pipe (960~1030)℃/AC / W Q  










GH3625 Alloy properties:

GH3625 alloy is not in the marine atmosphere or in the non-marine atmosphere, the corrosion rate is very small, and the seawater corrosion resistance is very good. The alloy is resistant to the corrosion of various salt solutions, and has good resistance to nitric acid and phosphoric acid corrosion. It is also quite resistant to hydrochloric acid heated below the boiling point and sulfuric acid at low concentrations. The alloy has a certain aging hardening phenomenon after long-term use at 550°C~700°C, which can lead to some decline in alloy plasticity.

GH3625 Uses of alloys:

It is widely used in the manufacture of aero engine parts, aerospace structural components and chemical equipment.

GH3625 Process performance:

Welding process: HuaNickel GH3625 alloy can be used for argon arc welding with tungsten electrode or this alloy as an additive under a protective atmosphere, and can also be brazed and welded.

Heat treatment of parts: HuaNickel GH3625 When the alloy is working at no higher than 650°C, the material in hot-rolled, cold-rolled or annealed state can be used according to requirements. When the working temperature is above 650°C, the annealing process can be used for parts that require good fatigue resistance and tensile strength, and solution treatment can be used for parts that require good creep and durability.

Relevant standards:

GJB 3165A、GJB 3317A、HB/Z140、GH625 、GH625 、Q/3B4080、GH625

Detail datasheet