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HuaNickel GH33B is a Ni-Cr-based precipitation hardening deformed superalloy, and GH33B alloy is a modified alloy after adding an appropriate amount of magnesium and zirconium on the basis of GH4133 alloy. The alloy has good comprehensive mechanical properties and high yield strength at a service temperature of less than 750 °C. It has good antioxidant properties, stable structure and uniform and fine grains; Easy to form by hot work. GH33B compounds greatly improve long-lasting strength and plasticity.

GH33B Chemical composition:

Ni Cr AI Ti Nb Mg Zr C Fe B Ce Mn Si P
Min Bal 19 0.75 2.5 1.3 0.001 0.01
Max 22 1.15 3 1.7 0.01 0.1 0.06 1.5 0.01 0.01 0.35 0.65 0.015

GH33B Physical properties:

Density 8.21g/cm³

Thermal conductivity

θ/℃ α/[W/(m·℃)] θ/℃ α/[W/(m·℃)]
100 12.1 600 23.7
200 14.2 700 26.2
300 16.7 800
400 18.8 900


θ/℃ 100 200 300 400 500
p/(10-⁶Ω·m) GH4133 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31
GH33B 1.23 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28
θ/℃ 600 700 800 900
p/(10~⁶Ω·m) GH4133 1.32 1.31 1.29 1.27
GH33B 1.29 1.29

Coefficient of linear expansion

θ/℃ 20~100 20~200 20~300 20~400 20~500
α/(10-6℃-I) GH4133 12.0 12.9 13.5 13.9 14.6
GH33B 11.6 12.3 12.4 13.3 13.8
θ/℃ 20~600 20~700 20~800 20~900
α/(10-6℃-I) GH4133 15.0 15.8 16.6 17.6
GH33B 14.4 15.1 15.7 16.5

Resilient performance

θ/℃ 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Ed/GPa GH4133 223 219 214 207 203 197 190 183 176 164
GH33B 224 219 215 211 207 203 198 189 182 175
E/GPa GH33B 215 182 173 163 163 159 141
G/GPa GH4133 82 80 78 77 75 73 70 68 63 58
GH33BD 84 77 69
μ° GH4133 0.36 0.37 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.35 0.35 0.39 0.42


GH33B Mechanical properties:


Standard number




Heat treatment

Tensile properties Room temperature performance Long-lasting performance
θ/℃ σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ₅/% ψ/% Aku/J HBS θ/℃ σ/MPa τ/h
GB/T 14997 GJB 5280 GH4133  Disc forgings  


Standard heat treatment

20 1060 735 16 18 31  


650 635 100
650 870 16 20  

750 343 50
294 100
GJB 52802 GH33B Disc forgings 20 1060 735 16 18 31 352~262 750 392 50
343 70
GJB 3782A GH4133  Forged round cakes 20 1060 735 16 18 31 363~285 750 295 100
345 50

GH33B Alloy properties:

As a new type of alloy, GH33B alloy inherits the advantages of HuaNickel GH4133 alloy and successfully eliminates the notch sensitivity of the material below 750°C by adding an appropriate amount of magnesium and zirconium microalloying, doubling the life of the material, especially improving the lasting strength and plasticity.

GH33B Uses of alloys:

GH33B alloys have been used to make many types of aero engine turbine disks and load-bearing rings and other important components.

GH33B Process performance:

Heat treatment: solution treatment is usually carried out at 1150-1180 °C, and the aging treatment is carried out after solution treatment, so that the alloy can obtain better mechanical properties and oxidation resistance by controlling the aging temperature and time.

Relevant standards:

GB/T14992 、GB/T 14997 、GJB 1953A   、GJB3165A  、GJB 3782A  、GJB 5280、GJB 5301、HB/Z 140 、YB4093 GH33B

Detail datasheet