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HuaNickel  GH33is a nickel-based superalloy that is mainly composed of elements such as Ni-Cr. It has good antioxidant properties. GH33alloy has good cold and hot working properties. It is suitable for the production of turbine blades operating below 750°C and turbine discs operating below 700°C.

GH33Chemical composition:

Ni C Cr AI Ti Fe B Ce Mn Si P S Cu
Min Bal 0.03 19 0.6 2.4
Max 0.08 22 1 2.8 4 0.01 0.02 0.4 0.65 0.015 0.007 0.07

GH33 Physical properties:

Density 8.20g/cm³
Resistivity 20℃ 1.24×10~⁶Ω·m¹²
Magnetic properties not

Coefficient of linear expansion

θ/℃ 20~100 20~200 20~300 20~400 20~500
α/(10-6℃-I) 11.56 12.30 13.17 13.79 14.52
θ/℃ 20~600 20~700 20~800 20~900
α/(10-6℃-I) 15.07 15.62 16.30 17.15

Resilient performance

θ/℃ 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Ed/GPa 221 217 212 205 198 192 184 177 167 160
E/GPa 206 159 150 127

GH33Mechanical properties:


Standard number



Tensile properties Roomtemperature performance Long-lasting performance
θ/℃ σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ₅/% ψ/%  


Aku/J θ/℃ σ/MPa τ/h
GJB1953AGB/T14993 For aviation rotating parts

Hot rolled rods

700 685 15 20 321~255 700 430 (410) 60


HB 5198 700 735 15 20 321~255 700 451 (432) 40



GJB 3165A

Aviation load-bearing parts

with hot rolled and

Forged rods

d≥50 20 880 590 13 16 321~255 23.5 750 345 (295) 50  (100)
d<50rods and flat lumber 700 685 15 20 311~255 700 430 (412) 60



YB/T 52452

Ordinary load-bearing partswith hot rolled and

Forged rods

>d55 20 880 590 13 16 321~255 750 295 100
<d20rods and flat lumber  












430 (412) 60


GJB2611AGB/T14994 Cold drawer  











430 (410) 60


GH33Alloy properties:

HuaNickel GH33alloy has a greater tendency to form uneven grains and coarse grains during hot rolling and forging, which is easy to produce coarse-grained waste. In addition, the production process should be strictly controlled to avoid a decrease in tensile plasticity at 700°C.

GH33Uses of alloys:

HuaNickel GH33alloy has been used in the manufacture of aero engine turbine working blades, turbine disks and other high-temperature load-bearing parts.

GH33Process performance:

Welding process: GH33alloy can be argon arc welding in the solution state, and should be treated in time after welding to eliminate welding stress.

Relevant standards:

GB/T14993、GB/T 14994、GB/T14997、GB/T14998、GJB1953A、GJB 2611A、GJB 2612A、GJB 3020A、GJB3165A、GJB 3782A 、GJB 5301 、HB 51、HB/Z140、YB/T 5245、QJ/DT01.63000   GH4033

Detail datasheet