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HuaNickel GH135 is a Fe-Ni-Cr-based precipitation-hardening deformed superalloy with a service temperature of less than 700°C. Elements such as aluminum and titanium are added to the alloy to form an aging precipitation strengthening phase, and chromium, tungsten and molybdenum are added to strengthen the solution. The alloy has the characteristics of good fatigue resistance at low cycle, yield strength increases with temperature increase at 700°C, and good plasticity in hot working.

GH135 Chemical composition:

Fe Cr Ni W Mo AI Ti C B Ce Mn Si P S
Min Bal 14 33 1.7 1.7 2 2.1
Max 16 36 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.5 0.08 0.015 0.03 0.4 0.5 0.02 0.02

GH135 Physical properties:

Density 7.92g/cm³

Coefficient of expansion

θ/℃ 20~100 20~200 20~300 20~400
α/(10~5℃-I) 15.0 15.2 15.5 15.7
θ/℃ 20~500 20~600 20~700 20~800
α/(10-6℃-1) 15.9 16.2 16.5 17.6

Thermal conductivity

θ/℃ 100 200 300 400 500
α/[W/(m·℃) 10.9 13.0 14.6 16.3 18.0
θ/℃ 600 700 800 900
α/[W/(m·℃)] 19.7 21.8 23.0 24.3

Resilient performance

θ/℃ 20 100 200 300 400 500
Ed/GPa 200 196 189 183 176 169
G/GPa 79.4 76.4 72.5 70.6 66.6 62.7
θ/℃ 600 700 750 800 900
Ed/GPa 165 150 155 147 134
G/GPa 60.8 58.8 57.8 56.8

GH135 Mechanical properties:


Standard number






Room temperature performance Long-lasting performance
σb/MPa σpo.2/MPa δ₅/% ψ/% aku/kJ/m²  


θ/℃ σ/MPa τ/h


Round cake ring blank Standard heat treatment 880 590 13 16 290 321~255  


345 50
805 590 10 13 290 321~255 295 100
GJB5301 Rings Standard heat treatment  














345 50
295 100

Standard number





Tensile properties at 700°C  


Long-lasting performance
σb/MPa σpo.2/MPa δ₅/% ψ/% θ/℃ σ/MPa τ/h
YB/T5245 Rods Standard heat treatment  










431 60
412 80

GH135 Alloy properties:

GH135 alloy can save w(Ni)41% and w(Cr) 5.5% compared with nickel-based alloys for similar purposes. After long-term aging above 800°C, the alloy has needle-like σ phase precipitation in the crystal, and Laves phase precipitation in the grain boundary.

GH135 Uses of alloys:

GH135 alloy has been used to make two types of aero engine I and II turbine discs, and two types of fighters are equipped for use in the field. China’s first 3,000-horsepower gas turbine flame cylinder made of alloy plates was installed on the “Long March 1” locomotive and passed the test of more than 300 hours of operation. The alloy can also be made of hot stamping dies working at 750°C~850°C, such as forging hammer anvils and hydraulic press anvils or insert anvils, hot stamping dies, etc.

GH135 Process performance:

Welding process:HuaNickel  GH135 alloy can be connected by automatic argon arc welding, contact welding, manual argon arc welding and other methods.

Relevant standards:

GB/T 14992 、GB/T14997、GJB 3020A  、GJB 5301 、YB/T5245 、YB/T 5247

Detail datasheet