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HuaNickel DZ422B is a nickel-based precipitation hardening directional solidified columnar superalloy with a service temperature below 1050°C. The alloy has good comprehensive properties at medium and high temperatures, as well as excellent resistance to cold and heat fatigue, and has a stable structure during long-term use at high temperatures. The alloy still has good casting performance in thin-walled conditions, which can ensure the safety and reliable performance of thin-walled blades. It is suitable for making gas turbine rotor blades and other high-temperature parts.

DZ422B chemical composition:

  Ni C Co W AI Ti Nb Hf Fe Zr Si Mn S P
Min Bal 0.12 9 11.5 4.75 1.75 0.75 0.8
Max 0.16 11 12.5 5.75 2.25 1.25 1.1 0.25 0.05 0.12 0.12 0.01 0.015

DZ422BPhysical properties:

Density 8.56g/cm³
  Melting point 1315℃~1374℃
Magnetic properties not

Coefficient of linear expansion

θ/℃ 28~300 28~400 28~500 28~600 28~700 28~800 28~900 28~1000 28~1100
α/(10~⁶ ℃-1) Longitudinal 11.37 12.57 12.85 13.01 13.63 14.08 14.60 15.44 16.58
Transverse 11.46 12.69 12.90 13.10 13.60 13.96 14.75 15.48 16.71

Resilient performance

θ/℃ 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


Longitudinal 131 129 125 122 118 115 110 107 102 94 79
Transverse 173 171 166 162 157 152 148 142 136 129 118


Longitudinal 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 29 28 26 24
Transverse 46 44 43 42 41 39 33 37 35 33 30

DZ422BMechanical properties:

Standard number variety Sampling room temperatureTensile properties Long-lasting performance
σb/MPa σp0.2/MPa δ₅/% θ/℃ σ/MPa τ/h δ₅/%

HB 7762

Master alloy Directional solidification test sticks LongitudinalsystemI  






760 690 ≥50
980 220 20 ≤2
≥48 ≥10

DZ422BAlloy properties:

The surface of the part is treated with Al-permeable, AI-Si or vapor deposition coatings, which further improve the alloy’s resistance to oxidation and hot corrosion. The alloy was aged at 800°C for a long time for 5000h, and no TCP phase was precipitated.

DZ422B Uses of alloys:

HuaNickel DZ422B alloy has been used to make gas turbine rotor blades for aero engines working below 980 °C, and has been put into line applications, and is in good condition for mass production and use. Similar alloys have been widely used in aero engine turbine blades.

DZ422B Application field process performance:

Parts Hitterrite Mente: The parts that are not machined on the surface should be carried out under vacuum stadt or protective atmosphere according to the prescribed system, and cooled by argon gas.

Relevant standards:

GB/T 14992 、HB 7762、 HB/Z140

Detail datasheet