AL 6XNplus
AL 6XNplus Chemical composition:
Cr | Ni | Mo | Cu | N | C | Si | Mn | P | S | |
Min | 19 | 24 | 6 | 0.5 | 0.15 | ≤ | ||||
Max | 21 | 26 | 7 | 1.5 | 0.25 | 0.02 | 0.5 | 2 | 0.03 | 0.01 |
AL 6XNplus Physical properties:
Density/ g·m-3 | Specific heat capacity(0~100℃) J·(kg·K)-1 | melting point/℃ | Linear expansion coefficient(25~100℃)/ 10-6·K-1 | Thermal conductivity/W · (m·K)- | Magnetic permeability(20℃) /H·m- | Resistivity μΩ ·m |
500 | 1320~1400 | 15.2 | 11.5 | 1.005 | 0.80 |
AL 6XNplus Mechanical properties:
Materials | σp0.2/MPa | G1.0 | db | δ/% | Impacttoughness/J·cm~2 | |||
N/mm² | ksi | N/mm² | ksi | N/mm² | ksi | |||
Sheet and plate strips
Rods |
≥295 |
≥43 |
≥340 |
≥49 |
≥650 |
≥94 |
35 |
150 |
Filament | 240~340 | 42~49 | 620~830 | 90~120 | 40 |
AL 6XNplus Alloy properties:
The steel has a single austenite structure in the solid solution state, and when the chemical composition in the steel is properly controlled, the steel has good microthermal stability. However, if the heat processing, heat treatment and welding processes are not properly mastered, the steel will have x equal intermetallic phase precipitation at 850~950 °C, but there is no carbide and nitride.
AL 6XNplus Uses of alloys:
It is mainly used in chemical industry, pulp and paper bleaching plant, offshore oil production platform, seawater desalination, seawater condenser, make-up water heater for power plant, etc.
AL 6XNplus Process performance:
Welding process: HuaNickel AL 6XNplus steel has good welding performance, and is welded by GTAW (TIG), GMAW (MIG/MAG), SMAW (MMA) and SAW and PAW methods common to austenitic stainless steel.
Heat treatment: The suitable heat treatment temperature of AL 6XNplus steel is 1150~1200°C.
Relevant standards:
ASME SA-240、ASME SB-691、ASME SB-675、ASME SA-312、ASME SA-249 SB-676、ASME SB-690、ASTM A240、ASTMA479、ASTMB 691、ASTMA 358,A 409 A813,A814 B675、ASTM A269,A270、ASTM A249,A688 B676、ASTM B 690